Begonias have become popular among houseplant enthusiasts because of their curious foliage and colorful blooms. While they can thrive indoors, some require more specific care. In order to grow these beautiful plants indoors, use the following tips:
Pay attention to humidity: Some Begonias appreciate a little extra humidity, others require humidity levels that only a terrarium can consistently provide. Most, if not all, are susceptible to root disease. Powdery mildew is a common issue as well, some varieties being more susceptible than others, so staying on top of the plants light and water needs are key for success.
Don’t overwater: Begonias are sensitive to overwatering. While the soil should be somewhat moist, too much water will easily cause root rot. Rather than over-watering your plant’s soil, it’s safest to allow the plant to go drier in between waterings.
Light matters: As with most houseplants, the light in the location you place your begonia matters. Begonias typically require bright, indirect light, some if not most grow better in a part sun window.
The right variety: There are SO MANY different varieties of Begonias, it can
seem overwhelming, but never fear! There are actually only four main types of begonias, and only two of them are typically grown indoors. Aim to snag a Cane or Rhizomatous variety of Begonia for the best chances of success. Rex Begonias tend to be the most flashy, but with great beauty comes great responsibility...they are definitely an intermediate level plant.
Consider Other Conditions: Certain Begonias can be high-maintenance at times, particularly a few of the hybrid varieties. Be sure to do your research on the requirements for your specific variety’s needs. Consider the temperature requirements, as many indoor plants are tropical and do not handle the cold well. You should also evaluate how much light your space has to offer. You may need grow lights to achieve optimal light conditions.